- 12 character numeric keypad
- Visual feedback: 1 red/green LED
- Audible feedback: Internal transducer (buzzer/beeper)
- Keypad will lock for 30 seconds after continuous error operation
- 11 sets of time codes
- Up to 120 holiday schedules
- Built-in watchdog to prevent system halting
- Support delay relay auto-relock function
- RS-485 support for networking (via controller or directly)
- User assigns control mode, card capacity and card type
- RF Frequency / Reading range 125 kHz / 10-18cm
- Networking: RS-485, 9600, N, 8, 1
- External reader port: Suitable for all WG, ABA reader, 125K, 13.56M (Mifare) or 2.4G reader
- Door relay: 12VDC @ 2A NO/NC/COM 0.1-60 sec. latch type
- Alarm relay: transistor output/serial output (selective)
- DI input: Egress button / door sensor / card sensor
- Tamper switch
- Serial port: limit switch (form C)
- Dimensions: 112mm x 76mm x 25mm (4.41" x 2.99" x .98")
- Connect to PC using COR-CN560
COR-ACC900 : Indoor Network Keypad Reader